Its Dark and hell is hot
treading on egg shells
living in this melting pot
So what you cooking in the kitchen?
I don't know but this dyslexic foul mouth
aint Gordon Ramsay spitting
Them statistics make me out to be a villain
But who knew the archetype that I foster
was always meant to be winning
Adopt the Superhero, the weirdo,
The I don't give a f..ear doe,
The cheerio, the coconut, the annoying yout in the ear hole,
Take care, if you can’t Hackett,
this Burberry might have to move on,
Call me a Chav because you cant handle this baggage
Foreign language yet we speak the same
I’m British but its like Brexit is your claim to fame
What a shame
Bullies can have the clout, I don't need it
Insecurities show up in many forms, Can you feel it?
Home Sweet Home,
It's noisy yet I’m alone
Family business is a strange
Generation Wealth? Thats alien to what I know
Alien is how I roll
Rare to care in the space where I learn to face fear
with open hands
that show scars as I unfold
Only bold because of experience
So young hero never say never
Stay Pan and resilient
Peter told parker with his spider vision
Hes Dad got killed so how are we any different?
Moving on
I don’t want to be angry
I was born to be Don
Besides, I cant think straight when I’m angry
They want me to go to plan b
But I’m exhibit A in this Jumanji
Heaven before All hell breaks loose, Plan B
I hope they understand me
I don’t want to cause harm
even if farmed without understand the tragedy
Tradition is in anarchy
change has to come
The revolution is love
whether televised or not